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Iovera for Knee Pain

Knee pain is the most prevalent musculoskeletal and orthopedic condition that affects both younger and elderly generations and brings patients to the doctor. As contemporary society becomes more and more active, the incidence of knee problems rises. Knee pain can arise from a diverse range of etiologies and is amenable to numerous non-surgical interventions, one of which is Iovera.

What is Iovera?

The Iovera treatment - Relevium

The Iovera treatment is an innovative and efficacious method for achieving immediate knee relief that does not involve the administration of pharmaceuticals or medications. The Iovera treatment reduces knee discomfort naturally for as long as three months by utilizing the power of cold. It is merely a cryotherapy procedure in which a nerve is essentially frozen or blocked. Iovera is commonly prescribed to patients without a history of total knee replacements or severe arthritis who are experiencing chronic knee discomfort.

How Iovera Treatment works ?

How Iovera Treatment works - Relevium

A specialized portable device with nitrous oxide canisters is utilized in the iovera treatment to freeze short needle probes to -126 degrees. Once injected into the epidermis, cold therapy inhibits the transmission of pain signals by specific sensory nerves surrounding the knee. The “cold” that is administered to the nerves is transient in nature and does not induce irreversible harm as it preserves the structural elements of the nerves. This FDA-approved treatment induces immediate pain relief through the body’s innate response to cold, devoid of the introduction of any pharmaceutical substances or compounds.

What kind of results I can expect?

Although the outcomes of this treatment may differ among individuals, the majority of patients experience an immediate alleviation of pain following the procedure. A highly precise Iovera treatment enables the application of cold to a particular nerve. It helps prevent the nerve in question from transmitting a pain signal, resulting in an immediate alleviation of pain.

How long does treatment take?

The entire Iovera treatment, which lasts approximately forty minutes, must be administered by a Board Certified Pain Specialist.

Are there any side effects ?

Nail-based treatments frequently induce the following adverse effects: localized discomfort, crusting, alterations in pigmentation, discoloration, and tingling. They are of a minor nature and generally improve within a few days. Long-lasting numbness or tingling of adjacent sensory nerves may occur in uncommon instances.

How long does it last ?

The extent of pain relief is contingent upon the specific patient and nerve location undergoing treatment; it persists until the nerve has fully recovered. On average, the effects persist for a duration of three months.

How many treatments might I need?

Depending on the intensity of your knee discomfort, one to three treatments may be necessary. For knee replacement symptoms, additional Iovera sessions would be necessary.

How soon I will recover after Iovera Treatment?

The iovera treatment is a same-day, non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure. Numerous patients who undergo iovera treatment emerge from our clinic feeling significantly improved. It usually takes an additional 48 to 72 hours for complete recovery to occur; however, the majority of patients leave our office with significantly reduced knee discomfort.

What are the common benefits of Iovera?

Common benefits of Iovera - Relevium

  1. Drug-free and non-surgical treatment
  2. Extremely effective, resulting in pain reduction and enhanced knee function.
  3. Effective in providing long-lasting knee pain relief
  4. Resolves the underlying cause of knee discomfort
  5. Extremely practical and seamlessly integrates into your daily regimen.

How is iovera different than other knee pain treatments?

Iovera distinguishes itself from alternative technologies by employing cold therapy to inhibit nerve damage in a non-permanent manner. Although this method bears resemblance to genicular nerve blocking, it is generally more effective and safer. Some individuals favor this technology over conventional thermal (heat) radiofrequency due to its novelty.

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