R e l e v i u m

Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation


The Cooled Radio-Frequency Pain Management System is among the most recent developments in radio-frequency technology. It grants pain management physicians the capability to precisely target treatment for diagnosed patients, even when confronted with intricate anatomical features.

It has been determined that sacroiliac joint pain is the most prevalent cause of chronic low back pain. SI joint radiofrequency depolarization has been addressed through the implementation of various techniques. Nevertheless, their results were unsatisfactory as a result of the challenge they faced in manipulating the variable energy supply to the acrokoliphont using conventional radio-frequency. The Reduced RF The system employs a fresh technique that utilizes radio-frequency instruments that are cooled externally in order to enlarge the zone of leon, thereby increasing the likelihood of completely deactivating the acrolaxin joint.

What are the advantages of utilizing cooled radiofrequency ablation as a method of managing pain?

  1. In contrast to conventional RF, cooling technology provides a greater power delivery and a greater volume of treated tissue, while also ensuring that the adjacent target is not charred.
  2. A randomized, placebo-controlled study found that at the 3-month mark following the procedure, 64% of the patients achieved partial reductions of greater than 50% and reported clinically significant functional improvements.
  3. The Mult-Cooled RF Module permits the simultaneous placement of up to four leons, which significantly decreases the time required to enhance the procedure.

It is imperative to seek the advice of a Board Certified Pain Management Expert prior to making any decision regarding a procedure.

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